Event location
New Cap Event Center
200 meters near the Eiffel Tower, elong the Seine, NEW CAP Event Center ballroom and private room open their doors to host our event.
NEW CAP Event Center, 1/13 Quai de Grenelle 75015 PARIS
Public transports:
Subway Line 6: Bir Hakelm station
RER C: Champ de Mars Tour Eiffel
Sponsor Platinium

Conception et mise en place d’architectures, migrations vers le Cloud, infogérance, formation, régie : les Experts Osones mettent leurs compétences au service de vos projets.
Nous proposons trois pôles de compétences principaux :
► Amazon Web Services
► Cloud OpenStack
► DevOps

Specializing in the cloud and internet infrastructure,OVH offers innovative products and services based on three universes: Web, Dedicated and Cloud. Since its founding in 1999,OVH has established itself as a partner for hundreds of thousands of professionals worldwide.OVH owes its success to a development model based on innovation and complete control of the supply chain, from server production and the maintaining of their own infrastructure, to customer assistance. For each service and solution proposed,OVH is able to ensure stable and reliable offers to its customers at the best quality to price ratio.

Red Hat

SUSE®, pionnier en matière de logiciels Open Source, propose des solutions d’infrastructure cloud et Linux fiables et interopérables qui améliorent le contrôle et la flexibilité des entreprises.
SUSE OpenStack Cloud est une distribution OpenStack d’entreprise qui déploie rapidement et gère facilement des clouds IaaS à haute disponibilité dans un environnement d’hyperviseurs hétérogènes.
Basé sur OpenStack Newton et incluant de nouvelles fonctionnalités Container-as-a-Service, SUSE OpenStack Cloud 7 offre un accès rapide aux toutes dernières technologies de cloud pour une innovation rapide, une agilité améliorée et la création du cloud privé opérationnel et robuste dont les entreprises ont besoin pour relever les défis actuels.
Sponsor Gold

AVI Networks
Enterprises are experiencing a digital transformation as they adopt cloud infrastructure and leverage modern applications and app architectures, like microservices and containers. However, legacy application delivery controllers (ADC) are a bottleneck because they are confined to expensive hardware, inelastic, and have only limited functionality with modern applications and infrastructure.
Unlike hardware-confined tools that are discrete, manual, and resource-intensive, Avi Networks provides visibility, automation, and control that scales with your application across any environment. Provide your applications, developers, and operations team with services and insights that go beyond traditional load balancing and application delivery controllers.


NetApp SolidFire

Nuage Networks
Objectif Libre
Grâce à notre contribution active aux communautés de référence de l’Open Source, notre expertise est reconnue sur :
- le Cloud Computing : OpenStack et Ceph
- les conteneurs et Docker
- la configuration centralisée avec Puppet et Ansible
Nous sommes à l’origine de CloudKitty, le logiciel officiel de facturation d’OpenStack.
Conseil | Formations | Intégration | Développement | Support


T-Systems est spécialiste dans la gestion des systèmes Cloud complexes et propose tous les types de cloud : privé, public, hybride, ainsi que les outils d’orchestration et de brockerage de solutions cloud.
- T-Systems opère le plus grand cloud SAP au monde avec plus de 40 millions de SAPS (SAP Application Performance Standard) et plus de 2,6 millions d’utilisateurs.
- T-Systems opère la plus large instance SharePoint au monde pour Shell avec plus de 135 000 utilisateurs
- T-Systems a effectué la plus importante migration d’environnements de travail vers le cloud pour Thyssen Group avec plus de 80 000 postes de travail

Canonical is the company behind Ubuntu, the leading OS for container, cloud, and hyperscale computing. The majority of public cloud workloads and large-scale OpenStack deployments are on Ubuntu, which includes both KVM and the pure-container LXD hypervisor for the world’s fastest private clouds. Canonical provides enterprise products, support and services for Ubuntu. Established in 2004, Canonical is a privately heldcompany.

Aevoo supports its customers wishing to migrate their traditional infrastructures to open source software defined datacenter solutions.
Openstack and SDN products are becoming more and more important within the structure, while coexisting with the work done these past years on the CEPH storage solution.
Its recent work focuses on the development of a dashboard that simplifies the use of OpenStack and enables a Platform as a Service approach.
In the near future, Aevoo main goal is to reduce the environmental impact of data centers by providing innovatives infrastructures.
Sponsor Silver

Nous conseillons et accompagnons nos clients dans leurs projets de migrations vers le cloud. Nous les aidons à construire des infrastructures élastiques, scalables et résilientes. Nous mettons en place les bonnes pratiques, autour du cloud, de la culture agile et DevOps.
Le partage de connaissances est au centre de ce qui nous anime, comme la passion pour notre métier et la production de travail de qualité pour nos clients comme pour nous-même. Notre but est de nous épanouir dans notre métier et d’être fier de ce que l’on réalise.
wescale.fr, blog.wescale.fr, @yeswescale

Nos partenaires presse

Le MagIT
LeMagIT is an IT information website dedicated to the needs of CIOs, IT decision-makers and IT departments. The content is split up between 13 specific categories, including: Cloud Services; Datacenter; Data Management; Networking & Telecoms; Security; Storage; Server Virtualisation;
Desktop & Mobility. Register online to receive regular IT news, case studies to understand your peers’ strategies and interviews of great IT decision makers. On LeMagIT you’ll find up-to- date editorial content, daily news, comments and interviews. Moreover, you will be able to access a wide library of more than 10,000 documents, including white papers, webcasts, case studies, product datasheets and complete tutorial guides.


Cloud Magazine
Why should you be a sponsor of the OpenStack Day France 2017?
Becoming a OpenStack Days France sponsor is mainly about supporting the OpenStack project and participating to the federation efforts around this technology. The goal of this event is to make the interest continiously grow for the largest Cloud open source project. Without you, this event wouldn’t exist! We thank you for the interest you take into the community!
Keynotes speakers

Thierry Carrez
VP of Engineering,
OpenStack Foundation

Nick Barcet
Nick Barcet
Senior Director of OpenStack Product Management,
Red Hat

Kévin Lefevre
Kévin Lefevre
Ingénieur Cloud et DevOps,

Thomas Di Giacomo
As Chief Technology Officer, Dr. Thomas Di Giacomo drives the rapid innovation and growth of SUSE’s expanding portfolio from the enterprise Linux operating system to software-defined solutions such as the OpenStack cloud infrastructure, Ceph-based storage, and software-defined networking solutions. He engages customers, partners, and open source communities to share and define SUSE’s technological vision.
Thomas Di Giacomo
Chief Technology Officer,